Tag Archives: ilovemyshihtzu

My name is Victoria and I like shih tzus

12 Sep

If you are reading this now then it is either because you have somehow stumbled across my blog through ads and websites or you have an extreme fascination (obsession) with shih tzus, like me. Either way, you are now reading the ever so stylish ilovemyshihtzublog.wordpress.com.

Like most people who start blogs, I decided to start my blog to spread my knowledge and love about something that I am very passionate about, which is none other than shih tzus. They’re a unique breed that are compatible with many types of families and homes.

Not only are they a cute companion to have around, but many studies have shown that dogs offer health benefits as well. They have a way of decreasing your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and feelings of loneliness. They increase your socialization and opportunities to exercise.

I for one can vouch for that since I have a shih tzu, myself. My shih tzu’s name is Osito Alarcon and his name is Spanish for teddy bear. He has brown eyes and is relatively small compared to other dogs. To backtrack, my mom bought him from Peru when he was about three months old and he came to Canada on Dec. 14th, nestled inside a plastic crate. My mom chose him because he wasn’t going to grow up big and out of all the dogs there, he was the most playful.

Osito at three-months.

Though he was cute (as you can see from the photo above), he turned out to be a lot of work. A lot. He didn’t know where the washroom was until he was about nine-months old and his favourite hobby was biting expensive shoes. Also, for some reason, he always liked digging through trash and to this day, he will still dig through trash.

Shih tzus are not a walk in the park. They come with a lot of responsibility such as grooming them (washing their fur, combing their hair, cutting their nails), feeding them (they like to eat a lot), and walking them (they always run for the door to go outside). I didn’t really have much of a guide when I got Osi (his nickname), because I couldn’t really find a handy blog to read and look at for information. Which is why, I think with this blog, it will help others to take care of their shih tzu, no matter how much trouble they create.

If anything, this blog is a way for me to help others with their shih tzu problems and a way for me to record the crazy antics my dog has gotten into this time, e.g. taken over the world. I’m still learning about my shih tzu and his quirky habits, so I’m hoping you’ll learn with me.

~Victoria A.